Traditional Medicinals Raspberry Leaf Tea 16


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SKU: CEL30773 Category:


  • Personality
    Gently nurturing and a friend of women.
  • Herbal Power
    Supports healthy menstruation, tones the uterus and may be used for menstrual cramps.*
  • Reason to Love
    Of course, the delectable fruit ofRubus idaeusis a well-known and well-loved summer treat, but it’s the raspberry leaf you’ll find in this tea. With a silvery under leaf that is reminiscent of the moon’s glow, European and Native American women have used raspberry leaf for thousands of years for menstrual support, menstrual cramps and during pregnancy as a healthy tonic to help prepare the womb for childbirth.* We love this tea for its gently nurturing properties, and its robust taste, which is reminiscent of a delicate and mildly fruity black tea.
  • Taste
    Full-bodied, like a fine black tea (without the caffeine!).


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