Lotus Juniper Berry EO 10ml


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SKU: LOT-AJUN Categories: ,


Botanical Name: Juniperus communis
Plant Part: Berries
Extraction Method: Steam Distillation
Origin: The Himalayas of India

Description: The plant is small bushy shrubs or tree, 3-35 feet in height growing at an altitude ranging from 8800 to 15,400 feet in the Himalayan region . The berries are plucked from the branches of the plant once a year and dried and ground before distillation.

Color: Pale yellow

Common Uses: Juniper Berry essential oil is credited as being a supportive, restoring, and tonic aid. Good oil for meditation. Popular oil in weight loss and detox blends, because it is diuretic, and considered purifying and clearing

Consistency: Medium
Note: Middle
Strength of Aroma: Medium

Blends well with: clary sage, sandalwood, bergamot, geranium, marjoram. rosemary,chamomile,eucalyptus

Aromatic Scent: : Juniper Berry has a fresh, rich-balsamic, woody-sweet and pine needle-like odor reminiscent of evergreen oils.

History : In tradional Indian medicine, the oil is applied externally to relieve rheumatic pain to counteract alopecia; as a styptic and to wounds.

Cautions: Non-toxic, non-irritant. Avoid during pregnancy.